Solutions & Services for Your Needs...
Image courtesy Steve Rhodes
on Flickr
Think about the world we live in... health pandemics, political instability and financial crises are a regular feature in the news. This means that regional travel and even local meetings can be problematic. Digital media provides a solution to these woes, and can help your marketing and training teams build collaborative communities within and outside the organisation.
That's why NASA, the World Health Organisation, the UN and the US Council on Foreign Relations are all big users of digital media. And you don't need a huge budget to make an impact. Citizen journalist Leo Laporte's coverage of Apple's iPad launch presentation reached over 100,000 viewers on uStream (a free Internet-based video delivery channel). More than Fox News (shown above).
Iterate Pte Ltd is a firm dedicated to providing the solutions and services you need to communicate effectively using digital media. Whether you are undertaking your first webcast or are looking to install cameras and recorders in a regular meeting place, we've got the tools and expertise to make it happen.
There are all kinds of reasons to source for digital media solutions and services, but generally we find that customers start with outsourcing services. As they gain confidence they purchase dedicated solutions and upgrade their Internet infrastructure. The demand originates either from the training, marketing or communications business units. Of course, each has different requirements.
Training Needs
Academic institutions and corporate training academies are facing unprecedented demand for recording services. Learners want to be able to review classroom sessions for many reasons, including to overcome language difficulties, review difficult concepts, or prepare for exams.
We offer smart-classroom technologies which can capture audio and video of the instructor sync'd with their presentation materials as shown in class. The recording process can be ad-hoc using only a camera and laptop or fully-automated and delivered via a Learning Management System or other IT platform.
Marketing Needs
Many organisations are trying to understand and exploit social media. This can range from setting up a corporate presence on Twitter or Facebook, to conducting active outreach to bloggers and community associations.
We can help with innovative digital media solutions like exhibition catalogs on a thumbdrive, live photography - with images instantly visible on display projectors, and live blogging - where bulletins are uploaded to give immediacy to your marketing and PR activities.
Communications Needs
Communications and PR needs can be instant, as with investor briefings and crisis response, or they can be sustained, as needed for community building. A recent study by IDC highlights that 60% of Singapore CIOs are "actively revamping social networking and collaboration services".
We can help you formulate specific strategies according to the requirement:
- Town Meetings - these are occasional events which use a combination of digital media technologies including live webcasts, instant messaging and discussion forums
- TV over Internet - these are destination sites like TV channels which provide scheduled video content and on-demand programming
- Podcasts - these are short audio and video programmes which are automatically disseminated to subscribers